How ethical is it to use silicon dolls?

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Meet Dr. Kathleen Richardson. She is a ‘Reader’ and senior research fellow in ethics and culture of robots and Artificial intelligence in De Montfort University Leicester. She is also one of the most vocal campaigners against sex robots. Being one of the many activists who have launched full scale scathing attacks against using silicon dolls – with customizable labia and hips; she has made her points stronger by comparing it with ‘owning slaves’. But, at the end of the day, who is listening to her? At least, not the male chauvinists.
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They are ready to spend fifteen thousand dollar for a sex doll which is ready to adopt fifty nine positions. Continue reading How ethical is it to use silicon dolls?

Stage set for cyber war


Originally Published in Tehelka on 010817

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Forget the past. The future of war suddenly presents itself with great razzmatazz. Two consecutive ransomware attacks — ‘WannaCry’ and ‘GoldenEye’ — shook the world with such ferocious force that it was evident — they were intended to attract only attention. The noisy and noticeable activity was not meant for stealing money only but to shout out a certain kind of presence in the cyber sphere. After that with every new computer installation the hardware people are now coming up with a warning — please don’t use pirated or back dated Windows operating system. Forget and forgive their naivety. The hacker’s target is no longer the singular person.

A new war front has opened up. Nation states have been become the target now. Not persons. In the recent past generally, the hardware people happily install old Windows operating system without any caveat — of course. What happened to them? Why are they so scared? The recent consecutive ransomware attacks that affected thousands of individuals and organizations worldwide suddenly changed the whole postulated sequences of possible events and our mindset.

Continue reading Stage set for cyber war